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Friday, July 9, 2010

It's The End of The World As We Know It

(...I feel fine...)
The song lies. It's the end of the world, and personally, I feel like it's the end of the world. I guess that's what is to be expected, but I'm rather fond of pleasant surprises. I just keep track of how many days before The Time of The End, well, ends. For those who read this and don't understand, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I think I'm a fourteen year old hormone ridden female. This, in most societies, implies impending doom bursting out at random. Oh, Lord.

I took a stupid test. Actually, it's not "stupid". However, I'm at a loss on how to portray the fact that I wasn't fond of the test, couldn't understand part of the test, felt "stupid" doing the test, and ended up being scorned by my mother for the B+ I produced. However, the "stupid" test cured me of almost three months in a class I didn't entirely need. This I do indeed consider an infirmity in itself. I'm working on the other three months of 9th grade Lit and Comp- reading Shakespeare and feeling like a million bucks. Cool.

The paragraph above is to ensure you in my general intellect. The complaint below is to undo this wronging. (Hmph.)

I hate mail. Mail is the root of all evil.Things I've received in the mail include,

*Two invitations to a beauty pageant looking for beautiful, independent girls. This I threw away.

*A couple report cards less than pleasing to my mother. Her child must receive all A's. (I was offered a tutor- which I consider highly offensive.)

*My SAT scores- which were 6 points short of the highest score in the Jr. High. Six, evil, evil points.

*An awkward birthday card from a teacher that really liked me (which was very sweet).

*An open, humbling invitation to summer school.

I didn't quite meet standards. Maybe I can blame that on not having material to study- maybe I can blame it on something like sheer dumb luck, or not enough standardized tests. I think that's what the goverment would do, anyway. This was for the Math + science center. This also served as further proof of just because you're good at something doesn't mean you're good at everything.I don't think I really excel at math. Nor do I believe I really excel at science. In fact, I pretty much disgrace myself with all things scientific. I beleive the appropriate teen phrase for the situation is I'm screwed. Funny, though. I'm still blaming something else entirely for the apocalypse. :P

P.S. Einstein was a pacifist. Something I found out last night. ;)

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