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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Having Fun With Dorky Quizes

Name : Violette
Nick Name : Vi, Vivi, Short and Annoying, Hey You, That Nerd
Birthdate : April 16th
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red
Height: 5'6
Weight: how rude!
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Boyfriend (although I think I'm required to elaborate)
Food: I'm not picky- but chocolate is good!
Candy: Hershey's kisses
Number: 8
Color: Blue
Animal: Rabbit
Drink: Coffee!!!
Perfume: Sweet Honesty- but not on me
TV Show: Paternity tests on the Maury Show
Music Album: S&G- Wednesday Morning, 3 a.m.
Song: Linkin Park, Shadow of the Day.....Sixpence non the Richer, Kiss Me.....S&G, Keep the Customer Satisfied.....3 doors down, kryptonite
Movie: The Princess Bride? Star Trek? Anne of Green Gables?
Actor/Actress: Taylor Lautner
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BK has veggie burgers
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Coffee
Kiss or Hug: Both! I'll be greedy LOL
Dog or Cat: Cat
Rap or Punk: Punk?
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: 11:30....ish
Most Missed Memory: If I can remember, then I can't miss it
Best physical feature: I like my hair alright
First Thought Waking Up: The dream I just had
Weakness: I can't hold a grudge, drippy dark hair, and blue eyes.
Fears: Spiders, the sound of nails on fabric, things being overly uneven
Longest relationship: Didn't count...
Cheated Your Partner: No
Ever been beaten up: No
Ever beaten someone up: No
Ever Shoplifted: No, I'm still boring
Ever Skinny Dipped: LOL- define skinny dipping
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yeah
IN A GUY/GAL Favorite Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Hair Color: Anything but red. Includes green. LOL-jk
Short or Long Hair: Long!
Height: Don't matter too much- although I hate feeling tall with a guy
Style: Long haired hippie
Looks or Personality: Both
Hot or Cute: Cute
Muscular or Really Skinny: Any, either, or neither LOL
How do you want to Die: Not like Elvis- not like River Pheonix- Not like MJ. Poetically, please.
Get along with your Parents: Hah! I'm 14, 'member?
Health Freak: Define health freak
Believe in Yourself: I beleive in my ability to repel normal human life...
Want to go to College: Not in particular. Do I want a decently clean well-pying job? yeah...
Do you Drink: Chocolate milk? Iced tea? yeah...
Shower Daily: That depends. Hippies didn't!
Been in Love: Recently? LOL I'm pretty sure :)
Do you Sing: In the shower
Do you want Children: Not this second!
Hate anyone: Not a soul.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bad Day

I'm going along with the song theme that I've had. Last time I sported an apocolyptic song by R.E.M. This time I was feeling more along the lines of Daniel Powter.

I lost my HOPE necklace. I went for a walk in the "less sunny" part of town (as Kris calls it- like St. Joe really has a ghetto). It fell off somewhere over there. I hope that someone found it- who needed a little hope at least. That'd be useful.

I also lost my happy thought. It's kind of like misplacing any other ordinary object, but it affects moods, too. I don't know here my happy thought went, either, as it obviously didn't hit anyone I know. Mom and I stayed home watching sappy love stories last night. It was positively dreadful. She keeps leaving me with the Grand Parents for hours. Eight hours of either hiding in my room, hiding at Sarret, or hearing stories about the Old Days. If I have to hear how great the war is, or another predjudice slur again, I may kill them. Particularly due to the latter. I've gotten to the point that I'll tell them that they're wrong. I'll explain it more and more forcefully until they let me free. If they punish Mom for me having an opinion later, all the better. She left me with the racist homophobes in the first place.

I'm babysitting tonight, and contrary to the original plan, I'll be dropped off alone at their house. Which is nice, because no one is babysitting the babysitter. I think it's for four or five hours. I'll have a baby, a four year old, and a six year old. Thankfully, the baby is old enough to sit with us, instead of constantly being held. You can even put her in the bouncer if you watch her. Not as tedious as watching Bobby, anyway.

Mom. If you comment on that, I'll let the Jahovah's witnesses know that the GrandParents are extremely interested in the Lord.

Friday, July 9, 2010

It's The End of The World As We Know It

(...I feel fine...)
The song lies. It's the end of the world, and personally, I feel like it's the end of the world. I guess that's what is to be expected, but I'm rather fond of pleasant surprises. I just keep track of how many days before The Time of The End, well, ends. For those who read this and don't understand, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I think I'm a fourteen year old hormone ridden female. This, in most societies, implies impending doom bursting out at random. Oh, Lord.

I took a stupid test. Actually, it's not "stupid". However, I'm at a loss on how to portray the fact that I wasn't fond of the test, couldn't understand part of the test, felt "stupid" doing the test, and ended up being scorned by my mother for the B+ I produced. However, the "stupid" test cured me of almost three months in a class I didn't entirely need. This I do indeed consider an infirmity in itself. I'm working on the other three months of 9th grade Lit and Comp- reading Shakespeare and feeling like a million bucks. Cool.

The paragraph above is to ensure you in my general intellect. The complaint below is to undo this wronging. (Hmph.)

I hate mail. Mail is the root of all evil.Things I've received in the mail include,

*Two invitations to a beauty pageant looking for beautiful, independent girls. This I threw away.

*A couple report cards less than pleasing to my mother. Her child must receive all A's. (I was offered a tutor- which I consider highly offensive.)

*My SAT scores- which were 6 points short of the highest score in the Jr. High. Six, evil, evil points.

*An awkward birthday card from a teacher that really liked me (which was very sweet).

*An open, humbling invitation to summer school.

I didn't quite meet standards. Maybe I can blame that on not having material to study- maybe I can blame it on something like sheer dumb luck, or not enough standardized tests. I think that's what the goverment would do, anyway. This was for the Math + science center. This also served as further proof of just because you're good at something doesn't mean you're good at everything.I don't think I really excel at math. Nor do I believe I really excel at science. In fact, I pretty much disgrace myself with all things scientific. I beleive the appropriate teen phrase for the situation is I'm screwed. Funny, though. I'm still blaming something else entirely for the apocalypse. :P

P.S. Einstein was a pacifist. Something I found out last night. ;)