Joe Banner

Friday, July 1, 2011


Lighting a candle's easy. Set it on fire, don't leave.
People aren't so carefree. Light their candle, don't leave.
Don't slip, tell truths or lies. Don't care and don't forget. Reminisce when approved, forget past flames, and keep but one candle. Don't light up the room with glows of pure, warm humanity, don't let a raving blaze burn too long or out, forget vision of ghost fires hurriedly doused. If it's a bonfire, this love, don't dance in the brightness (certainly not nude), and don't use this blushing heat to sear proof of past love. It is not lit for setting light to love notes, not roaring to be rekindled by your shame and nostalgia. Don't try to bolster this flash fed by oxygen alone. Do me a favor to leave this wild, overtaking combustion burn down whatever it takes and pleases. I thrive off my ashes, this cinder you trail.

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