Joe Banner

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Me, Meap, and More Nerds: The Beauty of Allteration

I'd say that the clocks were ticking, but truly, digital clocks don't tick. I would say that the pencils were tapping, but most of the kids were just picking their braces. And I'd say that today was a good day, and the sun was shining, and Teletubbies came out to greet us with lollipops, but then I'd be lying. The stress of MEAP day is tangible in the teachers lounge, I'd imagine, but the only thing the obnoxious teens are worried about, is whether or not they have properly embarrassed the school by displaying an extreme lack of literary knoledge- The original goal. So the spitballs flew higher, the Axe was sprayed longer, and the overall rebellious comotion was louder. And why is this bad do you ask? Because obnoxious teens are actually physically painful to be around, when you are a nerd of my stature. Or my boyfriends, for that matter. Books are launched at faces, papers are sawed against arms (in the desperate plea for distruction, when all things are taken from us but padded rooms and helmet buckles- the paper cut is a terrible thing), and echoes of "braceface" ring twice as loud.
It's not a good day to be a nerd. And all those with glass for their eyes and metal for their mouth were ducking in fear of the upcoming onslaught. (Anybody with a pocket protector has been officially declared A.W.O.L.) So, I was hit, bumped, middlefingered, and generally not popular today. Let's just say that they're "jealous" of our high acheivment. It's better for my ego. My boyfriend however, is often loudmouthed to those who it's better to shut up to. Either he isn't that smart, or went momentarily blind. We all came out of the last hour of the day griping and ducking, except for Gerrit, rubbing the top of his head, and sighing. I had to ask.
He explained that the 50 million pound (well, 2 inch thick) Algebra book in his hand was previously launched at his forehead, and to his misfortune, they had wonderful aim. He also said he was yelled at, and cussed out, among the other creativities of teenagers.
It wasn't a nice day.